A platform for discussion among experts from different Faith Based Organisations on current issues and concern.
An interactive platform for the public especially people of other faiths or the non-Muslims to ask questions, seek clarifications, gather information and gain insights into the teachings of Islam.
A series of activities that focus on 5 areas (Environment, Peace, Family, Children and Youth). This programme is in partnership with other Faith Based Organisations.
A knowledge sharing based programme by sharing the content of books from the digital library. Library members are able to discuss; share the content of books that include discussion on surah in the Quran. The objective is in line with IIC's main principle of al-Iqra', the first revelation of Quran, where information and knowledge is the backbone of wisdom.
An annual festival that portrays Islamic arts, music, crafts, architecture, inventions and other creative and innovative Islamic expressions.
Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa fasiliti auditorium akan ditutup sementara bagi tempoh 15 Mei hingga minggu pertama Ogos 2023 untuk kerja-kerja menaik taraf fasiliti tersebut.